November is Turkey Time!
Alright barbecue fans, time for a hard truth: Halloween is over. So you know what time it is now. No, not time for putting up your Christmas decorations. It’s time to start planning your Thanksgiving meal.
Hey! Where are you going? Come back! Don’t look so panicked, it’ll be okay. No, no, you don’t need to go find a bigger oven. No, you can’t have more time. It’s here, and it’s happening. But don’t worry, Pok-e-Jo’s is here to make Thanksgiving as easy as pie. Oh, that reminds me, no, we don’t sell pies.
Whether you’re just trying to feed a couple of pilgrims or the entire Griswold family, we have a holiday catering package that’s right for you! Now, I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is, “Yes, we are closed on Thanksgiving Day.” But that doesn’t stop us from helping over 1,000 customers fulfill their holiday wishes each year with a delicious smoked turkey holiday meal. Shouldn’t you be one of those customers this year? We think yes.
Check out our Holiday catering menu below and call our Turkey Hotline at 512-388-7578 so that we can answer any questions you have!