BBQ Caterer In Austin
Here’s a story about your typical Austin high tech company, fighting to hire and keep the right employees by offering fun perks, like free lunch catered at the office. The HR “Director of Fun” went online to look for a BBQ caterer in Austin, and there were many to choose from. So, they picked one of the cool, trendy BBQ joints everyone moving to Austin has heard of. “People will think we’re cool,” thought the techy HR fun-Director. “I’ll go with that one.”
So, this lunch catering guru ordered BBQ, with the typical potato salad and bean sides, and set it for noon on Fun-Friday. All would be great, right?
Then comes that fateful Friday, the one built for BBQ bliss, but the caterer is nowhere to be found when it’s time for lunch. They stroll in 20 minutes late, about the time everyone is ready to eat. They drop off the food and let the HR Director set it up. Lesson Learned Number One: Make sure the lunch is ready to eat on time. Hungry employees are not happy employees.
Once everyone is ready to eat, they dig in to the sides. Beans, potato salad, coleslaw…your standard BBQ sides. Key word, “standard.” It is not fun, not memorable, nothing to tweet about. Lesson Learned Number Two: Order food that people take pictures of and post on Instagram.
What really matters is the BBQ though, right? So, people dig in to the peppery sausage, boney ribs and greasy brisket. And the meat has been sitting for quite a while, so not really what you expected. That’s ok, because this is a cool, trendy BBQ joint. But maybe not when you’re eating it at your office instead of out in the country at a 100-year old facility. Lesson Learned Number Three: Reputation is often built out of the location, not the BBQ itself.
With all these lessons already learned, the “Director of Fun” at a competing tech firm down the street knew to trust Pok-e-Jo’s as the premier BBQ caterer in Austin.
When it was time to eat – the food was there, hot and ready to serve.
When it came to the sides – there were beans, potato salad and coleslaw. But there was also jalapeño corn bread casserole, baked potato casserole, fresh sautéed veggies, fried okra and the cheesiest mac ’n cheese this side of the Pecos. Perfect for Instagram glory. All of that followed up with delicious peach cobbler.
Finally, what really matters is the BBQ. No pretense, no pretending, just the most amazing BBQ you’ll find in the Austin area. Trimmed and sliced beef brisket, pork ribs, Pok-e-Jo’s famous sausage, turkey breast and some spicy Texas pulled pork.
Glory to the Director of Fun. Glory to Pok-e-Jo’s. BBQ catering at its finest in Austin, Round Rock and all of Central Texas.