Story Time: Pork Loin is Really Good, Y’all
Brisket and Pork Loin: a Tale of Two Meats
As we all know, BBQ can mean many different things to a lot of different people, mostly based on where you live and here in Texas, BBQ means brisket. While brisket is undoubtedly delicious and the state meat of Texas, Pok-e-Jo’s offers a wide variety of meats to choose from in addition to the classic, namely our smoked pork loin. Many might remember this as a staple of our menu before we made it our special on Wednesdays, what many don’t know, sadly, is just how delicious our pork loin can be! One guest was lucky enough to find out just last week and now we’re gonna share their story so you too can know the power and appeal of pork loin.
Almost every Wednesday evening, John Smith (names have been changed to protect the innocent) came to the Pok-e-Jo’s store located in the Great Hills shopping center to buy a Sliced Brisket plate because that was the special on Wednesdays, it was discounted from the regular menu price and also, John loved smoked brisket. This night however, John Smith was in for a unexpectedly delicious surprise for a few weeks prior, the special for Wednesdays had been changed to the Pork Loin plate. Upon realizing this change John had said, in a completely understandable huff, “I came here for brisket and now y’all aren’t serving it as a special?! This is terrible!” Of course, we at Pok-e-Jo’s understand that this was both surprising and disappointing for Mr. Smith and he was given a sliced beef plate at the special plate price however, we also saw this as an opportunity to introduce Mr. Smith to a new menu item that he might like, enjoy even, and so with his plate was given a sample of the pork loin and we sent him on his way.
Almost 30 minutes later, John Smith stood up from his table, walked over to the manager of the store and said “That pork loin was amazing! I didn’t know pig could taste so good, save for bacon! Thank you for offering me that, I now have a new meat to compete with brisket!” And with that, John Smith left Pok-e-Jo’s a new man, a changed man, we’d like to think a better man for he now knew the joy that we in the company have known for quite a while: Pok-e-Jo’s pork loin is the best smoked meat you may have never had but you can fix that any Wednesday of the month, so grab a friend on hump day and Come and Get It!